Tuesday, June 9, 2015

LVenture launches Angel Partner Group

Network, selected investment opportunities, business education: these are the three pillars which underpin Angel Partner Group, the new association officially presented at Luiss Enlabs in front of a selected audience of more than 100 potential investors. The association was founded on initiative of LVenture Group, a holding company listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, with the aim of bringing and growing together a community of investors who believe in the social value created by innovation. Domenico Nesci - presenting for the first time the new association of which he is President - said, "APGroup has strong international vocation. We want to cross the Italian border and immediately create a network of investors globally"A network of high-level and  global reach, therefore, within whom shareholders, thanks to networking events and a digital platform, can interact fueling personal and professional relationships, sharing investment opportunities and creating new business ventures." 

David Semel Rose, serial investor and founder of New York Angels, who spoke live from New York in the panel discussion on Angel Investing, said: "Confronting and being able to learn from other investors is precisely one of the main advantages of joining a group of Business Angels. Also having access to a substantial deal flow and to information already complete and organized makes a difference compared to being an lonely angel investor. In this way, you have the time to analyze and take more shrewd and accurate investment decisions." APGroup is aimed primarily at managers, corporate and entrepreneurs to which it intends to offer privileged access to valuable business opportunities, such as those related to the deal flow of LVenture Group.

Luigi Capello, CEO of LVenture Group - expects a growth of the portfolio up to 65 startups by 2018. We want to raise higher funds and much shorter time to give our startupa the needed sap to make their way towards and therefore gaining a foothold in the market. "During reserved Investor Day, members of APGroup can view startups selected and benefit from an assistance service, periodic monitoring and periodic reporting, meant both pre- and post-investment