Monday, August 15, 2011

H-Farm launches the "Digital Academy"

In the venetian countryside a training center destined to raise the new Zuckenbergs. The project developed by H-Farm, is funded by a consortium of entrepreneurs from the North-East.

 Not all talents run away from Italy. Someone resists and makes the difference: some remains, develops ideas and puts them into practice. One of those ideas, project first, and reality finally, is under our eyes: is called, Digital Academy the school for the diffusion of digital born from the efforts of bright and creative, but at the same time pragmatic minds, raised in a place immersed in the nature, Tenuta Ca' Tron in Roncade, near Treviso. A renovated farmhouse has become the meeting place with three workrooms, two classrooms, a relaxation area, a park of over 12,000 square meters with WiFi coverage and 25 beds. It was dreamed, incubated and financed privately and now, after months of preparation, has officially opened its doors. 

A place where everyone