The holding company of venture capital which finances the LuissEnlabs startups accelerator decided on a capital increase. Target of the VC fund led by Luigi Capello is to triple, by the next three years, the number of incubated neo-digital companies and expand the rooms available for would-be entrepreneurs. Fresh money to continue to grow the newborn companies: LVenture Group, the venture capital firm founded in December 2012 by Luigi Capello to invest in digital startups, has decided to triple the number of the business realities on which to focus within the next 3 years - from the current 21 to up 59 - and simultaneously to broaden the space sof LuissEnlabs accelerator of Rome, of which it is the lender. A project on which it plans to bet a total of €4.99 million.
The holding company, listed on the MTA managed by the Italian stock exchange, approved the extraordinary shareholders' meeting for April 30 and May 7, 2014 just to propose the approval of the capital increase for a maximum of €4.99 million within five years from the deliberation. The goal is to gather the needed resources to continue to accelerate the digital startups, financing investments envisaged in the Budget 2014, and the new business plan 2015-2017 approved in February, even through the entry of strategic partners and investors in the LVenture Group shareholding structure.