Saturday, May 11, 2013

Orizzonte SGR invests €3 million in the italian IT-outsourcing provider Wiit

A minority stake to the ICT Fund of Orizzonte SGR: new resources to support the growth path of the Wiit Group.  

Milan, 8th May, 2013 - News in the shareholding  of Wiit S.p.A., the company founded in 2001 by Alessandro Cozzi and focused on the IT-outsourcing, with high standards and service levels and supply of  Cloud services. Orizzonte SGR S.p.A. enters as shareholder in Wiit S.p.A. by investing €3M in the IT-outsourcing specialist Wiit Group through its ICT fund by acquiring a minority stake in the company, and investing thus in the strategic value of an italian company that is affirming itself more and more in the market as an outsources for the ongoing management of infrastructure and ERP applications. 

The fund has identified a situation characterized by a high level of innovation and specific experiences of technology, in possession of high know-how and excellent infrastructure which allow to cope with big growth perspectives in an industry that is rapidly changing.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Vertis invests 9 million in Arav - Silvian Heach

Vertis, a Naples-based private equity firm, entered the shareholding of the likewise Naples-based Arav Fashion Group, which produces and distributes the brands Silvian HeachSilvian Heach Kids and the fashion brand for kids Aston Martin

The entry of Vertis, occurs after a reorganization which foresees the creation of a newco cleared from the accumulated debts, in which flows also Arav Kids. Vertis, took a minority stake in the Arav Fashion Group through three of the funds under the company management, two of private equity (Vertis Capital and Vertis Capital Parallel), and one of venture capital (Vertis Venture) for a total investment of €9 million which will be paid out in two tranches by means of subscription of two share and capital increase agreements, the first of which will be subscribed at the beginning of June following the finalization of the reorganization operations. Mena Marano and Giuseppe Ammaturo, founders of the Arav Fashion Group, will remain majority stakeholders in the group and keep their respective charges of CEO and president, respectively. "I am sure that through the liquidity injection, we can further boost the development of our brands on both the domestic market and, above all, in terms of internationalization" declared Mena Marano which manages the group  that in 2012 had a turnover of €90 million, with an adjusted margin of more than 10% and plans to establish itself as world leading company at a very advantageous quality/price ratio. 

"The choice to invest in the Arav Fashion Group, a company of excellence recently selected by the Italian stock exchange as a "top" 100 company to take part to its Elite program, was something quite easy. The company, with significant growth rates, above all, great opportunities yet to be seized at the international level, definitely reach ambitious goals" said Amedeo Giurazza, CEO of Vertis, which followed the operation.