Saturday, June 22, 2013

Programma 101: Azimut SGR and Fondo Italiano d'IInvestimento launch a new joint VC-fund to invest in the digital space

Programma 101, is the new VC-fund co-launched by Fondo Italiano di Investimento and Azimut. The new investment vehicle, which among others carries the same name of the first calculator of the IT history produced by Olivetti, will specialize in investments in start-ups in the digital space and will have a financial endowment of €35 million. The main target is of €50 millionFondo Italiano di Investimento will contribute to the fund with €10-15 million. This is the first of three VC funds, the other two being conceived for medical-biotech and mechatronics.

On initiative of Fondo Italiano di Investimento a new innovativ venture capital operator dedicated to investments in the digital space, called Programma 101 is born. The new project has found the full support of italian private investors, among which the Azimut Group -the biggest independent italian realty of asset management - will assume the principal role of investor along with Fondo Italiano di Investimento.

INVESTORS - Apart from Fondo Italiano di Investimento, Azimut invested 15 € million, the same amount invested by Fondo Italiano di Investimento. The team of Programma 101 will be headed by

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Vertis Venture II: a new venture capital fund for italian startups

Vertis Sgr has recently announced the raising of a new venture capital fund - Vertis Venture II - with a target of €60 million as well as the launch of an incubator for innovative startups. The announcement was made by Amedeo Giurazza (CEO of Vertis) during the two-days meeting (on 17th and 18th May) organized by the firm to discuss on venture capital in Southern Italy. Not only, Giurazza did also announce the launch of an incubator for innovative startups within IPE, the Naples' management school directed by Antonio Ricciardi, as well as the strategic alliance with Il Denaro, a regional economic magazine. The IPE management school will train future innovators while Il Denaro will take care of the communication. The new fund, "Vertis Venture II", will invest in the whole peninsula, in contrast with the first fund (of 25 million euros), which has been raised also using the resources put at disposal by the italian government for an ad-hoc vehicle conceived for Southern Italy. Vertis Venture II will also invest in seed operations, namely investments between EUR 50k and 300k.

The company is preparing now the new fund regulation which will be submitted to the bank of Italy. A fund in which will probably also invest