Monday, August 15, 2011

H-Farm launches the "Digital Academy"

In the venetian countryside a training center destined to raise the new Zuckenbergs. The project developed by H-Farm, is funded by a consortium of entrepreneurs from the North-East.

 Not all talents run away from Italy. Someone resists and makes the difference: some remains, develops ideas and puts them into practice. One of those ideas, project first, and reality finally, is under our eyes: is called, Digital Academy the school for the diffusion of digital born from the efforts of bright and creative, but at the same time pragmatic minds, raised in a place immersed in the nature, Tenuta Ca' Tron in Roncade, near Treviso. A renovated farmhouse has become the meeting place with three workrooms, two classrooms, a relaxation area, a park of over 12,000 square meters with WiFi coverage and 25 beds. It was dreamed, incubated and financed privately and now, after months of preparation, has officially opened its doors. 

A place where everyone
can learn about digital, a place where the new entrepreneurs of next the digital revolution will be trained; a place where the community of the digital can gather together to continue to grow through targeted events and an excellent education conceived to develop and deepen the proper knowledge. These are the three goals that sum up the mission of the Digital Academy

The Open Day, which took place last 5th July, has welcomed entrepreneurs, designers and journalists, with musical performances, works of art of the south African Gavin Rain to decorate the garden, men on stilts, living statues, workshops and speeches of professionals of Internet (including Roberto Bonzi, journalist and creator of the multimedia project "Italians of border"): Digital Academy was officially presented, while the activities have already started a few days before (from 4 to 8 July, the school hosted children aged 6 to 10 years committed, iPad at hand, in the "Digital Native Summer Camp"). Digital Academy is a project born from the experience of H-Farm the start-up incubator led by Riccardo Donadon, and grown in total autonomy: was born from the need to train professionals to be included in , but also in many other companies, "said Donadon

The scientific director is one of the most important figures of the Italian digital landscape,  Luca De Biase founder and responsible for years of Nova supplement of the Sole24Ore dedicated to innovation. As he recently declared, his role will be to bring value and structure the path to make it as fun as possible and intense. De Biase, will follow directly the master in Digital Entrepreneurship (Made) which aims to train 60 young people each year on digital entrepreneurship. A master of four months, in collaboration with various organizations including the Kaufmann Foundation.

The creative freshness of this project is reflected in the faces of the young people who work there, who organize events and courses, which communicate the beauty of the academy. Among them, there is Giuliamaria Dotto, not yet 30 years old, responsible of the Digital Academy has so many ideas and a strong practical sense. Thes school started obtaining surprising results, reactions and responses from all over the country. The activity of the Digital Academy is divided intro three strands: 
  1. D-Life: touches on social aspects, trying to bring children, parents, citizens and institutions to the Net.
  2. D-Genwith masters to turn young people into future entrepreneurs.
  3. D-Bizdesigned for companies that will be given a digital coupon to be in step with the time and new technologies.