Enjore the free digital platform that allows to freely manage tournaments in leagues online for sports, videogames and games in a professional way, has received an equity investment from Ligurcapital Spa, the venture capital fund of the Liguria region, and from a small group of business angel, all managers of large companies with an extensive international experience. The total value of the transactions amounts to 500,000 €. The investment will allow Enjore to develop the mobile part of the platform that launched in 2013, which counts now about 70,000 registered users, 1,500 active organizers of tournaments and 300,000 monthly visits between web and mobile.
The raised funds will be deployed to improve above all the user experience for tablets and
With Enjore users can create and view online charts, statistics, schedules and matches' charts, all in a simple, fast and effective way. Tournaments can be organized according to different types: Italian league, knockout or group + playoffs. The competitions are supported, each with specific rules and statistics, ranging from football and soccer to volleyball, from rugby to water polo, from basketball to tennis, and then baseball, hockey, football, paddle tennis, softball, table tennis and handball. The Enjore mobile app is available on smartphones or tablets, on the App Store and Google Play.
Enjore was born in 2012 from an idea of Nicola Taranto, a web developer that already at the age of 19 (now 28) founded his first company. In March 2013 he obtained an initial seed investment of 150,000 euro with the arrival of Luca Carollo, an entrepreneur from Vicenza, in addition to other six members of the team (including Nicola who holds the position of CEO).
The idea of Nicola was to create a platform that would allow users to manage and live competitions through a very simple organizational system. Enjore, like any social network, exploits the potential of sharing information and multimedia content, within its own community. It is a real social network that, thanks to its characteristics, gives way to the organizers, players and supporters, to live their passions online.