Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ambienta SGR announced second closing of "Ambienta II" at €200,2M

After the first successful closing of the fund "Ambienta II", at €147M reached at the end of October 2013 (read here), Ambienta SGR has announced the second closing of the fund occurred on 20th December 2013 at €200,2M. New subscribers of the fund are pension funds, both Italian and from Nordic european countries. Even though the subscription started by a few months, Ambienta II has covered two-thirds of the amount set as a target, with additional and significant expressions of interest for the remaining accessions. Subscriptions were received from 20 investors, both from those who have already invested, as well as Italian (Enasarco, Cassa Commercialisti e Cassa Forense) and international (finnish Seafarer's Pension Fund, assisted by Certrior Capital) new subjects. These include pension funds, insurance companies, funds of funds and family offices. Investors from Europe and North America accounted for nearly 40% of the total raised capital.

When the total target - set at €300M - will be reached, Ambienta II will be the biggest european fund dedicated to environmental protection. 

The fund will be managed by Ambienta SGR, independent investment firm founded in 2007 by Nino Tronchetti Provera, Rolando Polli and Mauro Roversi (all three founders of Ambienta), as well as by Stefano Bacci and Rudolf Ohnesorge, - supported by a team of more than 10 professionals. The fund will invest in 10-15 companies and follow an acquisitive growth strategy on cutting edge SMEs active in sector with high growth potential, such that of natural resource scarcity and pollution control. Ambienta II will continue Ambienta 's strategy of generating value for investors through growth rather than financial engineering, working closely with companies to drive business development focusing on international expansion of its portfolio companies. Notably more than 50% of Ambienta I growth portfolio company revenues are generated outside Europe, having more than doubled over Ambienta's holding.

Ambienta SGR is the leading private equity firm in Europe focused on the environmental sector. Its inaugural fund Ambienta I, launched in 2008, with committed capital  of € 217.5 million, was raised from institutional investors, family offices and the investment team. The company uses a private equity approach to growing environmental businesses, has an extensive expertise to support entrepreneurs, international footprint and global investing network, as well as a broad environmental focus on pollution, energy efficiency, water, waste and recycling. The company has recently widened its international footprint with new hires in the course of 2013.