Sunday, February 27, 2011

Beintoo, transforming apps passion into real benefits

Beintoo is a fast-growing community of apps lovers who want to share their apps experience with other users and friends as well as look for and find peers with same interests and close to them. By joining Beintoo, users can show other users how good they are at discovering new apps and at playing with them. As a reward for it,  users can increase their Bescore level from "Novice" up to "Master" and receive "Bedollars", the Beintoo virtual currency. The Bescore is the user level within the Beintoo community, which users can increase by:
  1. playing with mobile games and apps which are partners of the Beinto apps network,
  2.  sharing their interests on,
  3.  by engaging with apps and goods in, and
  4. by inviting friends to join the Beintoo community.
Users have a weekly salary depending on their Bescore level, which constitutes their reward for their apps passion. Therefore, the earned Bedollars can be used to get exceptional virtual goods as great prizes within their apps and convert them into coupons for real goods by visiting some sponsors stores in their town or on the Web. Everytime users convert a virtual good they won into a real coupon, their "bedollars richness" will be decreased according to the value of the real product. However, users get their weekly Bedollar salary, so they never run out of money. Indeed, the idea behind all this is, to create a "real economy where users are rewarded for their mobile passion".

The intuition of the Beintoo team is as genial as straightforward at the same time.
By inventing a proprietary technology based on intelligent algorithms the company has been able to develop a service platform of social web and mobile advertising which has a remarkable attractiveness for mobile apps developers. Indeed, while other service platforms are only able to offer high visibility to sponsors, the Beintoo platform provides three important results which greatly increase its appeal (in comparison with other advertising service providers):
  1.  It is of considerable interest to sponsors through a series of intelligent algorithms, capable of referencing the view according to the target, the type of services used by the user, as well as its geographical position. The management of the display of the sponsor turns out to be highly efficient and able to hit exactly the wanted target, with no wastes; 
  2. It is of considerable interest to developers who will be able to significantly increase their revenues precisely because of that the above-mentioned efficiency of management of sponsorships. Indeed Beintoo provides revenue indexes which are surely more appealing to developers, in order to favor the use of its platform.
  3. It is of considerable interest to the end user who has the possibility, thanks to the couponing system and his affiliation to the Beintoo social network, to gain advantages and virtual currency (BeDollars), with the option once he has reached certain goals, to be converted into real assets absolutely made available by the sponsors. In top of that, the user may give an assessment of the apps provided by the Beintoo network, thereby supporting an upward trend for what concerns the quality of final products. 
It is clear that in such a structured system it will be possible to create a virtuous cycle in which each party can actually reach real benefits and with wider margins that those promised by other platforms of similar services. Beintoo provides the necessary documentation to the integration of the API in its applications. On next 3rd March, 2011 it will be publicly released the SDK for iOS and Android devices which will render the integration immediate.

More information are available under:

And you what do you think about it? I think is a very good initiative, technically viable which will bring huge benefits to all the industry players, and very importantly, it is an Italian initiative addressed to developers, sponsors and end users. 

On Beintoo:
Beintoo, is an Italian startup based in Milan, which was founded in September 2010 by Antonio Tomarchio and Filippo Privitera, two ex-Dada managers. The company has the clear objective to create "a truly revolution in mobile apps industry" as its CEO Alessandro Tomarchio points out. Last January 5, 2011 the company announced its first round of angel investment which will allow the company to expand its team of developers as well as strengthen its business development strategy. Amount of the deal and names of the business angels remain undisclosed.